Espouse Eagle's Wisdom for Personal Growth

Eagle flies at high altitude with its wings spread out on a sunny day in the mountains.

Large, majestic beings, earthy-colored bodies, heads adorned with the whiteness of experience, they seem to possess an inherent wisdom and a knowing gaze. 

People with eagle spirit animal energy or who are inviting the eagle into their life as a spirit guide, may possess strong intuition and have a heightened sense of awareness and perception. Eagles are a reminder to look at life and our current circumstance from a broader perspective and to seek truth and clarity. 

Here are a few of the lessons that can be learned for leadership and lessons for life:

Eagle Wisdom In 3 Lessons:

If we wish to see an eagle in flight, we must take the time to be thorough and look far beyond the places you might expect to see a bird in the sky. Eagles often soar at amazing altitudes and may even seem to disappear behind the highest clouds from time to time.

 So, lesson number one:- Sit be patient and be open to exploring new heights

When you find an eagle in flight, you quickly notice that eagles are masters of energy conservation. By completely spreading its wings and by paying careful attention to balance, it uses only a minimal expenditure of energy to remain aloft, moving at great speeds, buoyed by the natural currents of air, and trusting that the wind will carry it precisely where it needs to be. 

So, lesson number two:- Stretch out fully, find your balance and let it unfold. 

Finally, when we dedicate an afternoon to being with the eagles, we are likely to witness an eagle at play. Somehow even amidst the work to thrive in the wild, an eagle values play. Without warning, it will sometimes break from the expected trajectory of its flight path and cartwheel through the air, seemingly for no reason other than because it can. 

So, the final lesson of the day:- Make time to be playful

We can well compare attributes that are important for one to elevate their personal and professional skills. Nature bestowed with the bestest of the resources that helps in sustaining and leading a successful life. 


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