A Floating Nuclear Power Plants - innovation that buds debates among the world
मनो हि मिथ्या जगतो मिथ्यत्वम्। The mind is the illusion, and the world is illusory. Corollary: This quote invites us to contemplate the illusory nature of our minds and the external world. It suggests that our perceptions and interpretations are subjective, and reality may differ from our mental constructs. By recognizing the mind’s tendency to create illusions, we can cultivate a deeper sense of discernment and see beyond surface appearances. Few years ago, Russia has announced that it would be building the world's first floating nuclear power plant to supply 70 megawatts of electricity to isolated communities. Digging into the history USA had hatched the same idea, about half a century ago, thus Russia was desperate to bring this Innovation to fruition at the earliest. Akademic Lomonosov, the world's first floating nuclear power plant (NPP), has been fully commissioned in Pevek, Chukotka region in the Russian Far East.The Akademic Lomonosov started delivering electricity to t...