
Showing posts with the label Cosmic Debris Or Space Junk Menance

Insight to the Space Debris Menace - Blocking Low Earth Orbit Axis

जीवेषु करुणा चापि मैत्री तेषु विधीयताम् । Be compassionate and friendly to all living beings.​ On 4th October,1957, Soviet union launched earth's first satellite to space and this move proved a milestone in the history of space exploration. Since then, every countries tried their best to explore more and more space and gained the maximum benefits such as navigation, weather prediction, military conflicts etc. Although this was miraculous technological advancement for the modernisation and welfare of mankind yet if systematic approach is not followed then any tiny voids result to mammoth menaces.  Space debris refers to any non-functional or discarded human-made objects in space, comprising defunct satellites, spent rocket stages, fragments from previous collisions, and even paint flecks. Most orbital debris resides  within 2,000 km of the Earth's surface . Within this volume, the amount of debris varies significantly with altitude. The greatest concentration of debris is foun...