Non Availability of critical Scavenger underscores the critical link between biodiversity and human health
पृथ्वी संतरणात् संतु नः पुन्या पुन्येन वातः । पुन्येन अध्युष्ट पुन्या पृथ्वी पुन्येन संतु नः ॥ Humans excessive intervention has disturbed entire ecosystem of the mother nature. Humans are so selfish that considers themselves the only heirs of the mother nature and forgets about the other creatures. All living identities other than humans are on the verge of extinction. And in relation to this there is a recent study that has depicted that in the Bharat there is an observation that quantity of vultures has been reduced to greater extent. This significant drop in vulture populations in India has resulted in a severe public health crisis, potentially leading to up to half a million premature deaths between 2000 and 2005. The absence of these essential scavengers underscores the critical link between biodiversity and human health. The American Economic Review published this study, which estimates the annual economic impact of the related health crisis at nearly $70 billion. A study h...