Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
सर्वं परवशं दुःखं सर्वमात्मवशं सुखम्। एतद् विद्यात् समासेन लक्षणं सुखदुःखयोः॥ Meaning:- Everything that is in other’s control is painful. All that is in self-control is happiness. Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative - the quote states that people who are unimaginative or are not creative, have to comfort with the consistent life. There is nothing perfect exist ever, similarly this quote is dragged into debate and some are saying that consistency is important but on contrary at many points, flaws does succumb with the person who are always consistent. Consistency is safe place and Cuts down the rising wings :- @ If something new is not acknowledged by an individuals, then they have to settle down with the offerings that ordinary life can serve them. @ Reviving the creativity and innovations are the motive behind the success of any buisness, task or any specific events. @ Consistency reflects lack of imagination because you are used to a certain rou...