Bhagwat Geeta renowned for its wit and erudition
अहं सर्वस्य प्रभवो मत्तः सर्वं प्रवर्तते When troubles arise if we want to live in peace the most prominent lesson that Bhagwat Geeta ji teaches us, stay calm and believe that everything happens for a reason and even light winds blow after following the supreme instructions. He is the creator, he is the destructor and he wants us to believe in karmas and nothing prevails for longer period, nothing is permanent and everything has an expiry date. Be it happiness or the sadness none sustains. It's the pity, humans deeds and actions that balances the birth and rebirth, the hardships and luck, the struggles and helping aids. Emphasing more on the अहं सर्वस्य प्रभवो मत्तः सर्वं प्रवर्तते, the utmost important shloka has helped in citing some bullet points that drives the positiveness and optimism in us :- Avoid doubt The Bhagavad Gita advises against allowing doubt to fill the mind, as it can lead to uncertainty and dissatisfaction. Lord Krishna says that doubt can cause a person ...