
Showing posts with the label not an Echo

Be a Voice, not an Echo

सिंहवत्सर्ववेगेन पतन्त्यर्थे किलार्थिनः॥ English Translation:-  Those who intend to get work done cast themselves on the task with all possible speed, like a lion. Woman who sweetened India's sugar cane. Janaki Ammal was a pioneering Indian female botanist who achieved her professional dreams while overcoming all the gender and caste barriers existing during her time. She had chosen to be a voice not to be an echo. She has set the most wonderful example of how one should never give up on their dreams and that nothing can stop them, from achieving what they want if they are focussed and passionate. Ammal believed that “My work is what will survive.” Anyone can easily be inspired by her passion, perseverance and her contributions to plant sciences that she has made while remaining a very humble and grounded person. As Einstein suggests, “being a voice, not an echo” has meaning in three different spheres first can be elaborated as to help one to stand out and apart from the crowd – an...