
Showing posts with the label Excellence is not a Skill But it's an Attitude

Excellence is not a Skill But it's an Attitude

Consistency, innovation and discipline are the traits of Excellence we always perceive. But are such fancy words itself explaining the excellence in better manner or there are some hidden pages that need to be turned around. In present scenario, catching few minutes of peace and ecstasy is a difficult task. In the context of achieving huge, we are lacking some basics. Excellence is a measure of results and perfection level. It's very easier to narrate that our efforts should be sincere, results should not matter. But how much veritable is this?  To motivate ourselves, we usually read books, listen to motivation stories, sharing and discussions with our mates etc. The frequent observation is ATTITUDE towards any situation. Earlier mentioned veritability is exactly dependent on our and social perspective. So, who matters the result most should not begiven much significance as their viewpoint differs.  Illustrations are far better to state than to advice. Lord Krishna, himself, h...