Let's PledgeTo Embrace Each Other's Uniqueness.
Life is so complex, Yet no one comes alive out of it so relax,, Prime aim is to enjoy and relish, Value others and self and make life more embellish,, As Black hole, the only perfect thing ever in existence similarly the absolute essense of happiness lies in making other creatures happy. It doesn't focus on their satisfaction here wants to emphasize on their actual feelings or the acceptance of their respective feelings. Popular phrase citing every human being is unique in their own ways, which is exactly relevant as well yet we always allign other person to follow the way which is the correct way, even we ourselves doesn't know what exactly is the right way. Actually neither way is the most precise one it's just everyone own way which suits them fit is the bestest way. So why don't we accept the fact and embrace each other's uniqueness at the bestest of our own knowledge. *How can this embracing can be developed in ourselves* :- 1. Be more emphatic 2. More concen...