From cave paintings and letters to telephone and the Internet – the history of communication.
अमंत्रमक्षरं नास्ति नास्ति मूलमनौषधम्। अयोग्यः पुरुषो नास्ति योजकस्तत्र दुर्लभः॥ There is no letter which doesn’t have a charm, there is no root which doesn’t have medicinal property. There is no person who is not able, but rare is the one who knows his/her proper application. " Baat krne se hi baat banti hai " communication, then, now and will be always an utmost important thing to consider. Without communication, nothing is achievable as at every curve and corner requires sharing of thoughts and discussions of the ideas just like without soil no proper exchange of nutrients can be done between sun and plants. Fertility of soil decides the fruits of the trees similarly effective communication is the bases for the big concrete building of goals. It's fascinating to know the history of communication, the way it's started and now reaching out the extreme prowess by using internet, Artificial intelligence etc. The history of communication :- The entire history of comm...