Bhagwat Geeta renowned for its wit and erudition
As present, generation is more equipped with technology and maximum of the comforts. Physical work has been reduced to the minimum thus entire burden and all strains of body is layering in the brain and is known as depression in modern language. If dig into the deep, reasons for the hiking of depression is excessive of idle time, social media and offcourse overthinking. Since ages, overthinking always ranked top cause for anxiety, stress and mental fatigue. Remaining all challenges are very new and if analysed properly these reasons are too by products of over thinking only. As we know that everything is eternal and whenever a problem generates it's solution also takes birth immediately. The solution to the problem of overthinking is given in the Bhagwat Geeta ji. It teaches overcoming overthinking by focussing on efforts rather than results, embracing detachment, maintaining a stable mind, surrendering to higher power and accepting Impermanence. These lessons guide individuals to...