The lure of space - Attraction of the Unknown
Sometimes you have to go up really high to understand how small you really are. Every child fantasy is to know about the stars, universe, UFOs, meteorites, asteroids, planets etc. Even it's so peaceful to relax under the cool breeze of stars at night, that romanticises even. Besides this the facts about the universe is spell bounded and huge respect to our scientists and astronauts as they are the one who makes us aware about the world which is full of mysteries and interesting facts. यत्र नान्तो न चादिस्तंस्तत्र केवलमस्तितम्। आत्मानं न विजानीयादादौ च जगदात्मनः॥ Meaning : In that place where there is no end, no beginning, and only the self exists, one should realize that the universe is a manifestation of the self. Our holy book quotes the lessons that universe is the same what you feel inside, it's the replica of the former at the outside. All the particles are actually listening to you and they are retaliating in the similar manner your actions are. Our Shastras are giving u...