
Showing posts with the label The art of doing nothing

The art of doing nothing

चिन्तया जायते दुःखं नान्यथेहेति निश्चयी।   तया हीनः सुखी शान्तः सर्वत्र गलितस्पृहः॥ Meaning - Lord Krishna states that stress, burn out and over thinking are the sole reasons for the sorrows of mankind life.   It's hard to let go of the urge to control everything and enjoying the little things in life. How tough nowadays is to stay happy and healthy. Data states that 43% population in USA , 59% population in Bharat, 70% population in South Korea are burning out, sadly the youth are the most vulnerable category to be specific. Consequences of stress and depression is drug addiction and surge in suicide rates. Sierra Leone is perfect example of deteriorating the youth to the maximum limit by excessive addiction to drugs, it's beyond the imagination that youth of this country is digging out the graves to get the drugs from the bones of dead.  Education motive is to seek job for the youth with great package and same is decorated by the stress, depression along with dissa...