
Showing posts with the label Sell Your Cleverness and Buy Bewilderment

Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment

अत्वरा सर्वकार्येषु त्वरा कार्याविनाशिनी। Meaning:  Do not rush in work, haste is a waste of work. Bewilderment is about being in touch with magic, synchronicities, the collective unconscious. And bewilderment is also about forgoing attempts to know everything. Cleverness, although not without merit to a fully functioning human, is about attempts to understand. Engineering is the base for the development of the world and what makes an engineer a perfect engineer is their intuition skills, in common language we call it IQ skills. To any discoveries,if analysis is to be done, the ladder that foster the advancements is the confusion, ample of doubts, and curiosity of solving the problems. Nowadays, space exploration has been spreaded to every noak and corner of the Universe and astonishingly enough, no one exactly knows about the universe, it's all through the satellites' information. Therefore, the quote "sell the cleverness and buy the bewilderment" expresses the notio...