Gender Washing - The Myth of Equality
स्वभावो नोपदेशेन शक्यते कर्तुमन्यथा! सुतप्तमपि पानीयं पुनर्गच्छति शीतताम् !! Women empowerment is restricted to facebook, instagram posts and tag line for the Women's Day. If looked upon the data, it's mere depressing that gender equality is being washed away and suppressing one section of society to major extent. Gender washing occurs when the claims that companies make towards supporting gender equality are unsubstantiated and/or exaggerated . The data is the reflection of the absolute situation on the ground. USA, the big boss of all the countries and is imitated by almost every country is showing the data that about 42% of US women have faced discrimination in the workplace on the basis of gender. About 25% of women claim they earn less than men for doing the same job. Women account for 47% of the total workforce in the US. About 41% of US mothers don’t bring up their caregiving problems to their employer. If this is US, what better can we expect from other develop...