New Artificial Photosynthetic System to harvest solar energy...
Need of the hour is to minimise world's carbon emissions and being a responsible and most trustworthy country, India has done commitment to the world to curb carbon emissions by 50-70%. To make the promise firm, our researchers and scientists are searching other ways also to harness solar energy rather than using silicone based appliances and thus reducing E-waste menace too. Now IISER and IIT researchers have developed a new artificial light harvesting that can efficiently capture light for power conversion by mimicking photosynthesis. According to officials, scientists across the globe are trying to replicate the light-harvesting step of photosynthesis in engineered systems for use in solar cells or artificial leaves. Actually phenomenon is the light harvesting cores in plants and other photosynthetic bacteria are chromophores, molecules that absorb visible light and pass it on to other components which is used for several chemical reactions. The top-most chromophores that are e...