Legalizing The Child Rape - How can constitution of any religion permits such brutality
No religion can provide any rights to the life of women but yes a constitution can surely. As every coin has two sides similarly this statement stands on ease if maker of the constitution has some senses. Else no one can bring any peace to the lives of the women. Life is full of stumblings but such stumblings becomes more robust when it's women's life. Be it professional carrier growth, living to the expectations of family and then matching the prospects of soceity, ranges to infinity that merely converges to any specific limit point.
Nowadays countries are paving on the path of radicalisation like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Syria etc. and the most common attributes of such conversion is targetting women of the country. Suppressing their fundamental rights in reality promotes their culture and traditions according to the men of such society. Such very obnoxious bill has been proposed by the Iraq which will be allowing marriage of 9 years old little girls. In other words, the bill is appropriate to renamed as Legalizing the Girl Child Rape.
Therefore, recent bill in Iraq that would allow girls as young as nine to marry has sparked protests across the country, with women's rights activists saying it would "legalize child rape".
For approximately longer than a decade, political system, amendments,bills have been dominated by the Shiite religious groups of Iraq.
Unlike Saudi Arabia, Iraq does not have a system that requires women to have a husband's permission to make key life decisions, such as marriage.
However, the new proposal, that has passed first reading in Parliament, would give religious authorities the power to decide on family matters, including marriage, divorce and child custody.
"This is a disaster for women," said Raya Faiq, coordinator of the coalition of groups opposing the change in the law. This group includes several Iraqi MPs.
->>> Imagine Raya's daughter getting married and her husband marrying Raya's niece as a child. The new law would allow him to do so. No one would be allowed to object. This law legalizes the rape of children".
Although Iraq has outlawed marriage under the age of 18 since 1950, a statistic from the United Nations children's agency, UNICEF, found that 28% of girls in Iraq were married before they turned 18. A bloc of 25 female MPs in parliament have tried to stop the bill from going to second reading, but say they face strong opposition.
Women protestors are surviving in a fear that future of their daughters will be more difficult and harsh to survive if such changes to the law come into effect.
"I have a daughter, I don't want her to be forced like me to marry as a child", said Azhar Jassim, who had to leave school to get married at the age of 16. A statement full of emotions that makes anyone sympathetic.
The baseless logics that man in favour of this law are saying that if girls' get marry at a very young age of 9 years than the chances of indulging these girls' into love affairs reduces and more stable family structure can be constructed.
While other countries are increasing the marriage age so as to elevate physical and mental health of women, Iraq is following the opposite race.
Final Words:-
The most vulnerable section of the society is female and women are treated as a sexual objects for men only rather than treating them as a whole person. When will such sexual objectification will come to end. The situation will be turning very scary if such small child will be marrying to old people as in Sharia law remarriages are very common. Prayers and might UN intervention saves girls of Iraq from this spine chilling law.
Hare Krishna 🙏