Gender Washing - The Myth of Equality

स्वभावो नोपदेशेन शक्यते कर्तुमन्यथा!
सुतप्तमपि पानीयं पुनर्गच्छति शीतताम् !!

Women empowerment is restricted to facebook, instagram posts and tag line for the Women's Day. If looked upon the data, it's mere depressing that gender equality is being washed away and suppressing one section of society to major extent. 

Gender washing occurs when the claims that companies make towards supporting gender equality are unsubstantiated and/or exaggerated

 The data is the reflection of the absolute situation on the ground. USA, the big boss of all the countries and is imitated by almost every country is showing the data that about 42% of US women have faced discrimination in the workplace on the basis of gender. About 25% of women claim they earn less than men for doing the same job. Women account for 47% of the total workforce in the US. About 41% of US mothers don’t bring up their caregiving problems to their employer. If this is US, what better can we expect from other developing and some radical nations. 

Gender equality continues to be a key issue that companies are being called on to address with public attention focused on issues like the gender pay gap, harassment, and a lack of representation. Om paper and to have brand image, companies are bound to abide mandated gender pay gap reporting, strict actions against  allegations of gender discrimination, harassment review, POSH committees and the investors' focus on board diversity through forums.

 However, like other Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues, some companies have been accused of overstating their progress or ‘gender washing’.

What is gender washing

Gender washing happens when the companies claims that they are working towards supporting gender equality are unsubstantiated and/or exaggerated. Intense scrutiny is exposing many instances of gender washing, where organisations are not taking any tangible actions that demonstrate their support for women beyond superficial statements lest they suffer the growing direct and indirect consequences.

The factors that are concreting the base for gender washing at international forums are :- 
The pay gap continues to be large :- this issue is in line light since ages and no healthier solution are we carving out. On average, women working full-time, year-round are paid 84% of what men are paid. In other words, the typical woman working full-time would need to work from January 1, 2023, until March 12, 2024, to make what the typical man working full-time made in 2023. According to the World Inequality Report 2022 estimates, men earn 82 per cent of the labour income in India, whereas women earn 18 per cent.

Punished for complaining :- this is beyond imagination how ill treatment do women face if complaints against manager or authority has been done. It's the stereotypes attitude or considering women weak or lethargic, her issues are majorly side lined labeling them as her tantrums or pseudo complaints. Every year cases are being recorded or observed that poses threats to the life of women or wantons for their carrier growths. If firms are to commit to solve the issue of gender washing, they can no longer dismiss claims of gender discrimination and retaliation from managers. 

Why gender diversity is the need :- 

Women constitute approximately 50% of the world's population, yet they contribute only 37% to the global GDP. It may seem natural for women to be involved in the workplace, but this disparity emphasizes the need for gender diversity and inclusion.

Gender diversity entails the equitable representation of individuals spanning a wide range of gender identities, transcending the conventional binary outlook. It is a prominent subject of discussion across diverse fields, aiming to promote fairness and embrace the full spectrum of gender identities. This expresses a pivotal shift towards acknowledging and appreciating diversity as an intrinsic facet of existence that deserves celebration and respect.

Top benefits of gender diversity in the workplace  -->
# Attracts a Diverse Talent Pool 
# Varied Perspectives
# Attracts collaboration
# Productivity Boost
# A better reflection of your customers
# Creates a Safer and Sensitive Work Environment
# Enhanced Staff Retention
# Know your customer needs
# Improved Innovations 
# Greater profitability
# Ensures Employee Contentment
# Flexibility 
# Brand Reputation

How gender washing can be transcended ? 

Like other sustainability issues, it is far easier for companies to make broad supportive statements than undertaking the hard work needed to change the situation. The companies gender wash must be the critical factor and noticable task for employees, customers, investors and regulators. The tools to expose it are improving the transparency of data and regulations, thus consequences have never been higher. 

The competence of males and females is not based on gender roles but on peoples' ability to respond humanely to each other.


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