Culture changes with economic development

  1. Sloka: "आत्मानं सततं विद्यात् आत्मना सर्वतो रक्षेत्।
    आत्मानं न प्रकाशेत् विद्यात् धर्मं सर्वतो रक्षेत्॥"
    Meaning: "One should constantly know oneself, protect oneself at all times. One should not reveal oneself, but should know Dharma and protect it at all times."

We all jump to narratives, and culture shapes them. They influence how we interpret actions, how we think, and how we behave.

There is a general acceptance that culture has impact on economic development but the extent to which it affects economic development, is still a debate among the economists, social scientists and all others who are interested in this topic.

When economic status, prosperity and quality of life of a community are elevated it signals the economic development of that specific area. As economic activities inproves it changes the life style of people and also changes the culture of a society. Culture refers to the knowledge, concepts, and artifacts that humans have used in their quest for survival. Economic development has two main objectives such as to create jobs and raise incomes. The purpose of economic development is to bring about a better standard of living for the population and poverty can be slained. Economic development is the process by which the economic well-being and quality of life of a community are improved. It can be measured by per capita income, purchasing power, life expectancy, health care services etc. Economic development also improves the region's growth that lucrates people for employment, better transportation, business expansions, etc. 

Defination of Culture :- 
Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation. Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire society." As such, it includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, art. It is learned from generation to generation and shared by a group of people who belong to that particular culture. Culture is not static; it changes with economic development because new ideas are introduced into society by individuals who have migrated from one country or region to another. Amalgamation of opinions, ideas, rituals are the results of economic prosperity as population from different locations are getting settled where economic activities are in abundance. 

Culture of the society is changed by the Economic development :- 

Culture emphasis how people communicate, celebrate festivals, wearing clothes, following daily routines, worshipping, eating habits,etc. Culture signifies the way of living. 
Culture change is a dynamic process which can be affected by economic development; cultural factors such as class status or gender roles; political factors such as nationalism or international conflict( Cold wars, Attacks, conflicts) , social movements like feminism; changes in technology such as AI introduction. Economic Development brings change in the culture of a society by creating new institutions for managing resources such as land or water; promoting social change; providing people with basic health care services; improving education systems; developing infrastructure (roads, bridges) etc., thus increasing productivity overall within that society's boundaries.

The culture of a society can be influenced by economic development :- 

As economic prosperity exceeds, more people are earning more this improves the purchasing power also. More people means more people who have access to a variety of goods, including those that improve their health or education. In short, it means better living conditions for everyone!
As education system improves with economic development, this strives for enhanced creativity, new ideas are developed and old ones change as they adapt to new environments.  For example: education system turning online, millitary is much focused on automation and technology rather than combat army soldiers, music becomes more complex because there are more instruments available; dance moves become faster because dancers have more room to move around; clothing styles become bolder due to greater choice among materials/ colors/ styles etc.,

National culture change as countries develop :- 
Cultural dimensions as critically important determinants of long-run economic development across countries. To achieve identification, we employ a unique data set on country-level cleavages in the values of two non-overlapping age cohorts approximately one generation (30 years) apart, on average. We find evidence that faster-growing countries during the period of coming of age and personality development of the younger cohort witnessed the rise of more individualistic and politically egalitarian generations, suggesting the existence of a self-perpetuating cycle between certain “good-for-development” cultural attitudes and economic development.

Conclusion :-  Income prosperity has massive impact on the culture transformation, as more independency and liberations are elongating the wings of youth that justifies then to vanish out more of the boundaries set in the name of culture and rich heritage. Economic activities has restricted the time space that has changed cultural values to major extent. 


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