Balancing the Home, Work and Life - How these bridges to the Mental Health.

प्रकृतेः क्रियमाणानि गुणैः कर्माणि सर्वशः।
अहङ्कारविमूढात्मा कर्ताहमिति मन्यते॥ ३-२७

Balance word itself symbolises lots of efforts, strategies and techniques. Absolute balancing the two items or things or people are far to imagine. Every time it's one side above the other, as no perfection exists it's closer to the perfection or endeavours to be within the boundaries. 

Work Life Balance is the essence of maintaining a balance between home and work is the ability to switch from one role to the other. To live the harmonious relation between the profession life and personal life is the picture that work life balance draws. In current era, it's bit difficult to sustain such balance. Everytime it feels like running in a race keeping everything aside. No much control over the relations, passion, carrier, family, traditions, culture etc. The feeling of loosing something evolves while surrounded by many valuable assets. This in turn germinates the stress and mental health issues. It's even true that we can't grip anything much harder and longer, to achieve one we have to liberate the other. If consider the gender, female have their own boundaries and struggles between carrier and family whereas male, himself juggling between the status symbol and earning luxuries to the family. None is exactly happier with the expected consequences. 

How imbalance between passion,work and home is building mental health troubles :- 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), negative and stressful environments be at home or at work if are associated with anxiety, depression, and substance misuse, no person can enjoy that surroundings and it will certainly builds up the troubles on the mental health. Mental health are not visible to the eyes but it can be essensed very keenly. A strong body can create be magical but a strong mind is miraculous. In current span, much focus on outward appearance is given and everyone putting huge attention to look good and smart but least concentration on the inner self, inner peace. Life expectancy may have increased but health issues have been doubled and state of happiness is getting downtrodden. Some citing reasons that need to be curtailed in order to achieve mindfulness 
# When expectations are not met and self doubt are increasing because either not following the passion or not accomplishing that passion as were predicted.
# Excessive dependent for our happiness on others be it spouses, managers at work place, peers at social media, pals in real life. Competence has replaced the relationship of love, respect, friends etc. 
# Anticipation in the manner that suits our personal interests over the other counter part. Despite of love, care, respect etc revealing only the hopes, not trying to understand the real problems rather than superficially focussed. To avoid the arguments, we have stopped the discussions
# Loosing the perseverance because we all need to have fast results, almost all humans have lost the faith in process, we need results, minimum focus on the learnings major concentration is on gaining. We have forgotten that easy come easy go. Be it personal life or the professional, efforts matters not the results. As every great results are followed by another higher targets and hence set backs our moral because to achieve the highest Target, have to run again with huge speed. 

Life is a struggle and trying best is always a priority for living identities. Each day is different so the time also, earlier issues are different from the current one, so the solutions too. As balancing the passion, work and home which in return supports the equilibrium of our mental and physical health, is important to live a healthier and happier life :- 
@ Work-Life Integration - Work-life integration is another innovative concept that focuses on blending work and personal life in a way that both coexist harmoniously. Rather than striving for a strict separation between work and personal life, work-life integration promotes finding ways to incorporate personal activities and interests into the workday, and vice versa. Amalgamation of work with family are fruitful in restoration of missing activities. Monotonicity always affects the efficiency so mixing them can be effective to much extent.

@ Time Management Technique - Effective time management is crucial for achieving work-life balance. Dividing time into the 25 minutes activities to each assignment are effectively hitting the aim of balancing much task on your priority tray. Implementing some more innovative time management techniques can help individuals prioritize tasks, manage distractions, and allocate time for personal activities.

@ Setting Boundaries - Setting boundaries is a fundamental aspect of work-life balance. It involves clearly defining limits between work and personal life. Confining our targets and potential to make ourselves less vulnerable to negative thoughts and higher expectations can be prevented. 

@ Supportive and Positive Environment :- A supportive and positive environment is essential for promoting work-life balance. A progressive environment can foster an individual to rise by encouraging open communication, providing resources for personal development, and promoting a culture that values work-life balance.
Recognition and appreciation at work and home have enough strength to elevate anyone morally higher, this fruitful in combating the several ambiguities about life and carrier.

@ Embrace Technology - Innovative technologies can greatly contribute to work-life balance. Technology provides instant solutions and cognitive answers to modern problems. Learning has become so easier nowadays that helps in upgrading our skills and keeping ourselves more productive. Various apps and tools are available that can help individuals manage their time, track progress, and even promote relaxation and well-being. 

@ Agile Work Practices - Agile work practices, typically associated with project management and software development, can also be applied to work-life balance. Agile principles emphasize flexibility, collaboration, and adaptability, which are essential elements of maintaining work-life balance.By adopting agile work practices in personal and professional life, individuals can prioritize tasks, embrace change, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Agile work practices promote a proactive and flexible approach that enables individuals to adapt to changing circumstances and find a balance that works for their specific needs and goals


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