Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment

अत्वरा सर्वकार्येषु त्वरा कार्याविनाशिनी।

Meaning: Do not rush in work, haste is a waste of work.

Bewilderment is about being in touch with magic, synchronicities, the collective unconscious. And bewilderment is also about forgoing attempts to know everything. Cleverness, although not without merit to a fully functioning human, is about attempts to understand.

Engineering is the base for the development of the world and what makes an engineer a perfect engineer is their intuition skills, in common language we call it IQ skills. To any discoveries,if analysis is to be done, the ladder that foster the advancements is the confusion, ample of doubts, and curiosity of solving the problems. Nowadays, space exploration has been spreaded to every noak and corner of the Universe and astonishingly enough, no one exactly knows about the universe, it's all through the satellites' information. Therefore, the quote "sell the cleverness and buy the bewilderment" expresses the notions that being very quick and smart in responses are not much appreciably to the one who are in state of suspenses, doubts and subconsciously linked to the related topic or perplexed for the reasoning.

Bewilderment is the creative state of confusion that plays an important to imagine beyond realisation. Ordinary confusions usually are like a stumblings and tends to raise the stress level of human life. Contrary to the general confusions, Bewilderment is exactly the opposite and it leads to wonder, creativity, innovation and awe. Truth lies that some living identities do care for the precise reason for specific task or the event and some human beings believes as it the facts without raising much concerns. Growing World actually requires the people who are experiencing the bewilderment as always suspicious and confusion acts ends up with the evident conclusions. 

Big bang theory,once was elaborated but with every passing researches, much additions are queuing, still many are unfolded as well. Quantum physics, a very fascinating topic that is entirely dependent on the possibilities to occur and it is very much specific with time and position. 

Hence, the people who are experiencing the bewilderment are in reality encountering the bliss and meaning to the life. Socrates, who was famous for wisdom, said that the only thing he knew was that he knew nothing. Only Few would be remotely comfortable living with that truth.

Once we have decided to be comfortable with false certainty, we agree to live a collective lie, or shared illusion. This illusion consists of the virtual reality created by perception. The entire world consists of objects we see, feel, touch, taste, and smell. Other creatures like bats who use sonar and snakes that sense molecules in the air with their tongues, create their own virtual reality

Cleverness is mere opinion, bewilderment is intuition 

Why to buy/purchase Bewilderment
1. To believe that there is lot to learn ever and forever. Stagnant water even gets eroded similarly our knowledge also, so to have the magic of being suspicious about the diversity helps in learning more and more in much innovative manner. 

2. To have the essence of life. Why are we here on earth for living, why only earth is much blessed, from where do our thoughts arises etc, such extro ordinary confusions are making life more interesting to know more about the specific topic. Ramanujan Sir, stated this , if he doesn't find any solution to the equations he sleeps with the thoughts of same problem and in the early morning he gets the answer. So, life is full of astonishings and thrilled events, focusing improves the creativity of the brain.

3. Questions and juggling for answers are always exciting and this exaggerates the rejuvenation and synergy in the person. Today all the technical advancements once was just an illusion and several scientists, researchers, engineers, such thoughts and bewilderment has leads all discoveries and inventions. Still continues to advance or grow with more enthusiasm and determination.

Conclusion:- mostly people are afraid of bewilderment because we confuse it with being insane or scary or gasp, just not knowing everything. But bewilderment is also about being in touch with primal rhythms, it’s about remembering that what we call “reality” is only one aspect of the Big Picture. 
 Cleverness is about conceptualizing, analyzing, keeping yourself at a cognitive distance from the direct experience of being human. And bewilderment is about eradicating that distance, about immersing in that direct experience.

Are you prepared to buy Bewilderment? 


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