Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.

सर्वं परवशं दुःखं सर्वमात्मवशं सुखम्।
एतद् विद्यात् समासेन लक्षणं सुखदुःखयोः॥

Meaning:- Everything that is in other’s control is painful. All that is in self-control is happiness. 

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative - the quote states that people who are unimaginative or are not creative, have to comfort with the consistent life.
There is nothing perfect exist ever, similarly this quote is dragged into debate and some are saying that consistency is important but on contrary at many points, flaws does succumb with the person who are always consistent. 

Consistency is safe place and Cuts down the rising wings:- 

@ If something new is not acknowledged by an individuals, then they have to settle down with the offerings that ordinary life can serve them. 
@ Reviving the creativity and innovations are the motive behind the success of any buisness, task or any specific events.
@ Consistency reflects lack of imagination because you are used to a certain routine.You limit and bind yourself with certain protocols that don’t allow you to think out of the box. 
@ When individuals are constantly doing the same thing, it leads to boredom and monotony. Therefore no space for adjustments do exist. @ Being consistent makes things easier. People don’t take risks. They favour to be frog of a ponds.
@  Living identities always try to achieve things the same way because they feel results might be the same. There is no unpredictability. More attention is towards the results orientations and very least on the procedures. 
@ Consistency limit and bind the capabilities with certain protocols that don’t allow people to think out of the box. Imitation and just following up the common paths becomes the traits of everyone. No scope of questions, doubts and errors arises thus learning and relearning doesn't exist. 

"Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought." – Albert Einstein.

Consistency is excellent to learn yet monotonicity are least appreciated and even rejuvenates ourselves also to the minimum. Exponential growth also forms curves rather than straight lines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. An individual may as well concern himself with their shadow on the wall. The word practical is nearly always the last refuge of the uncivilised. It's significant to be more curious to creative, as not all wanders are lost and innovations requires efforts and endeavours. 

# Mistakes are crucial as it specifies which path need not be followed. If people are inconsistent, they will make mistakes and learn. People would be developing different notions to work things out.

Why is it important to develop consistency and not to be a bewilder and more unImaginative  :- 

# There are certain things which have to  be done in a certain way with defined set of rules. For e.g. in an event of economic crisis, we expect the prices of commodities to rise. Discipline is utmost important to sustain any project and consistency is the tool to achieve punctuality and discipline. 
# Even imaginative people can be consistent. There are certain things they do consistently to get results. Ideas generation, brain storming, learning skills develop the creativity and such traits belongs much exact to a consistent personality.
# Consistency cannot always be taken negatively. We can be consistent good as well. Monotonicity in efforts and results are the only way to reach at the top of destination.
# We are expected to perform well consistently. This doesn’t mean we are not imaginative.
# Consistency could be the last refuge. But, not the first. Perhaps people are driven to be in circumstances that leave them with no choice but, to be consistent. As every efforts contribute be efforts are minute or tiny. Shree Krishna states in Bhagwat Geeta ji that consistent efforts are always valued and they are not time bound, living identities working with Krishna conscious and endeavours, innovative consequences are certainly attained by them. 


Balance approach are always welcomed. We can safely say that probably unimaginative people are consistent. But, it could be deceiving to say that inconsistent people are unimaginative. Inconsistency at times may be developed out of no choice or could be temporary. Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative, reflects both positive and negative attitude. We all are expected to be consistent at work. This doesn’t make us unimaginative. So, it is just the way we look at this word and the context in which it is being used.


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