There can be no social justice without economic prosperity but economic prosperity without social justice is meaning

स्वस्तिप्रजाभ्यः परिपालयन्तां न्यायेन मार्गेण महीं महीशाः।
गोब्राह्मणेभ्यः शुभमस्तु नित्यं लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु॥
Source – Mangal Mantra

Meaning - May the well-being of all people be protected By the powerful and mighty leaders be with law and justice.
May the success be with all divinity and scholars, May all (samastāḥ) the worlds (lokāḥ) become (bhavantu) happy (sukhino).

Why economic prosperity without social justice is meaningless. It is not economic prosperity, rather the confinement of wealth in the hands of few people. A wide disparity will ensue Disparities will mean that prosperity can be sustained.

The significant things that we must value is not wealth, fame, prosperity, positive, ranks,body beauty but the things that are available free of cost for us like sound sleep, breath, hunger. But offcourse most valuable things are associated with the most superficial things that has mentioned above. If we feel hunger, we need food and certainly wealth is required for the balance diet. So, yes it's vice versa and equally significant indeed, just like this economic prosperity and social justice are the two ends of a see saw.  cherish the game, each end has to keep the appropriate balance. Iran, Afghanistan has been radicalised to maximum limit emphasized much on social justice that favours a particular religion and left behind in the race of economic prosperity. Whereas Bhutan, the country with happy population and nature loving means carbon neutral country, deprived of much resources, has managed to sustain the equilibrium between social justice and economic prosperity. 

Economic prosperity with social justice need to be developed so that individual faith in hard work thrive and continues to elevate. Every work has a specific financial fee. India is a nation with high remittances, it's remarkable that our nation is enjoying financial assistance from other countries as a salary paid to Indians who are working there, but sad reality is that because our nation has failed to provide economic prosperity to such population so they are serving at the other country and not their own. Several big giant CEOs belongs to Indian origin because of not satisfying their economic requirements as per their skills. Around 36% migrated abroad, and of the top 100 scorers, 62% left the country. The problem has been getting worse. In 2022, the number of Indian students leaving the country for higher education reached a six-year high of 770,000. Billions of Indian currency is being spent by our students to study at foreign universities which is genuinely a big loss to our economy. 

When social justice mirrors economic prosperity, then cultural building of the nation becomes more robust. The kingdom that obeys social justice and equal distribution of income among the population is considered as an ideal state of prosperity. European nations are renowned for their safety, health care services, old age plans and education facilities, and are always ranked at the top position when HDI report has been published because an equality runs there very smoothly. 

Measures that can be managed to attain socio economic stability - 

Skills Enhancement - knowledge and learning attitude has to be imbibed among the population so that concrete and visionary leadership along with smart public can be developed. The crux should reach out to everyone that materialistic items can be stolen, deteriorated but it's the knowledge only that stays with an individual always. Education is the only way that turns darkness into light, failure into success. Any person is known by his profession, qualities, traits than by his names.

How good is Governance - income inequalities are the prime reason for the imbalance between social justice and economic prosperity, as those who can afford, the verdicts also reaches to them easily. Corruption in the policies and systems never welcomes the socio-economic development. Jesa Raja wesi praja, famous dialogue suits the statement. Hence, governance of the ruling party is utmost important factor to consider. 

Embracing Culture and Traditions treasure - Our vedas and Upanishads comprise of so much of knowledge and enlightenment that proper imitation of such knowledge treasure bridges all the stumblings of our goals to achieve the equilibrium between social justice and economic prosperity. Our India was once a sone ki chidya, golden sparrow and had a most civilized plus modern civilization ie Indus valley civilization, our rich cultural heritage and monuments are the proof that how wise and smart history we have. There is a temple in south India, that has 12 pillars and every month as calander changes, rays of sun also falls on the respective pillar as per calendar month. Even after so much of invasions still our rich culture heritage shinning with spell bounding architect and engineering concepts, teaches us how our nation has maintained and survived the millennium with reflecting social justice and economic prosperity simultaneously.

Economic justice is the idea that the economy will be more successful if it is fairer. The goal is to create opportunities for all to succeed regardless of sex, race, age, disability, color, creed, national origin, religion, or genetic information. The most frequent recommendations include “providing credit to the poor,” “policies for rapid expansion of productive employment opportunities,” “providing free basic social services,” “public policies for environmental protection,” “encourage political participation,” “policies for good asset distribution,”

Bhawna Kapil 


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