Should doctors be allowed to genetically modify unborn children at the parents' request?

अमृतत्वस्य तु नाशास्ति वित्तेन ।
                 Source – Brihdaranyakopanishad 2.4.2

Immortality cannot be achieved by wealth

In modern era, people want to own almost everything using money. Wealth is a sword to eradicate the poverty not a magical weapon to stab the nature's law and just doing that suits human comfort more. The impact of going against the natural laws are always harmful and it's repercussions can be seen through numerous natural disasters. Technological advancements ie hybridization of seeds and then hybridization of genetics are in trend, but as mentioned earlier also if extremely going beyond the natural laws it's never an appealing move. Yet our scientists are continuously working on the discoveries and advancing towards more technocrats keeping in mind the mother universal laws.

What are Genetically modified children

A designer baby is an embryo that has been genetically modified (or gene-edited) for the sake of producing a child with particular characteristics. A designer baby is a baby whose genetic makeup has been selected or altered, often to exclude a particular gene or to remove genes associated with disease. In some cases, unfavorable characteristics or bad traits (like genetic disease) may be removed, or favorable traits (like enhanced intelligence or strength) might be added. And while it might seem like it’s straight out of science fiction, designer children are becoming a reality—and so are abounding questions about how the process works.

Designer babies are scientist's hard work and obvious result of decades of advancing IVF technology. Scientists discovered how to create babies in the lab, embryo editing to produce a healthy GMO baby (also referred to as GM baby) was perhaps a natural next step. Scientists saw the potential to not just optimize genes for disease prevention, but also to choose aesthetics and personality traits.

There are several technologies involved in the creation of a GM baby. One protocol is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), where embryotic genetic defects are identified while preimplantation and only embryos having no certain genetic disorders are implanted. Most recently in the news is CRISPR genetic engineering, which was originally created in the 1980’s. An evolution of the genetic technology is known as CRISPR-CAS9. CRISPR designer babies are created by altering DNA fragments to prevent and correct disease-causing genetic errors. CAS9 is a special technology which can vanish or add certain types of genes from a DNA molecule, and most recently has been used after fertilization for gene-edited embryos.

How much ethical is supporting designer babies?

Perfect white or black doesn't exist, similarly there are always prone and cons associated with every discovery. 

Gene editing currently exists in nature. Evolution is constantly editing our genes, but very slowly,” says Dr. John Zhang,

Designer babies where embryos get genetic modified can be cured by some permanent diseases or illness causing due to hereditary. Might the cancer can be cured and some vaccination be added while embryos growth through IVF technology. Guidance and regulation should be cornerstones of any work in this field, without a doubt. If permitted, this work should receive government support to ensure the application is performed in a safe and responsible way. Restriction may delay progress to the set back of humanity, but support could ignite a legacy of genetic health that would allow mankind to flourish for centuries to come.
Preventing and curing disease has a different ethical implication than choosing a baby’s gender, eye color, or propensity toward athleticism or intelligence.

Great for curing diseases, but this treatment also affects sperm and egg cells, meaning the edited gene is passed down to children and grandchildren. So, by editing embryos, you alter the course of evolution for generations to come. 


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