The lure of space - Attraction of the Unknown
Sometimes you have to go up really high to understand how small you really are.

Every child fantasy is to know about the stars, universe, UFOs, meteorites, asteroids, planets etc. Even it's so peaceful to relax under the cool breeze of stars at night, that romanticises even. Besides this the facts about the universe is spell bounded and huge respect to our scientists and astronauts as they are the one who makes us aware about the world which is full of mysteries and interesting facts.
यत्र नान्तो न चादिस्तंस्तत्र केवलमस्तितम्।
आत्मानं न विजानीयादादौ च जगदात्मनः॥
Meaning: In that place where there is no end, no beginning, and only the self exists, one should realize that the universe is a manifestation of the self.
Our holy book quotes the lessons that universe is the same what you feel inside, it's the replica of the former at the outside. All the particles are actually listening to you and they are retaliating in the similar manner your actions are. Our Shastras are giving us clue about the universe in much specific manner and those are well understood by our scientists. And we are well acquainted with the facts that how significant the role of space exploration in construction of modern 5G world 🌎.
As much as we learn about Universe,
So much of secrets and unknown facts,
Surprisingly enough knowledge is there in Upanishads verse,,
Transversing about space keep us in God's intact,,
Interesting Lures of Space :-
Life beyond earth had been the curiosity of the human kind since ages. We have been into this exploration for a very long time now, still we have not found any concrete evidence for the same. Though we suspect some form of life form in Mars, still the matters remain uncertain regarding its practical existence. Though all the other planets have a surface, but only Earth has the gravitational force which is most probably due to the Iron content in the Earth’s core which has a magnetic effect. Also the presence of water is special to the earth. The combination of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere which we combinedly call as biosphere has made the existence and survival of life form possible on earth.
Universe is not stranger than we imagine. It is stranger than we can imagine.
1.) There's a supermassive black hole at the heart of every galaxy
2.) The Universe has the same temperature everywhere :- The Cosmic Microwave Background - heat left over from the Big Bang - when the Universe was just 380,000 years old, as seen by the Planck Telescope. It shows tiny temperature fluctuations that correspond to regions of different densities: the seeds that would grow into the stars and galaxies of today.
3.) 95% of the Universe is invisible :-
The ring superimposed on this Hubble image is a representation of the dark matter thought to be causing the distortions in the galaxy cluster
5.) The Universe was born :- the Universe has not existed forever. It was born. 13.82 billion years ago all matter, energy, space – and even time – erupted into being in a titanic fireball called the Big Bang.
6.) Most of the stuff in the Universe has repulsive gravity :- The only force operating should be gravity, which acts like a web of elastic between the galaxies, slowing them down.
7.) The Sun is producing only a third of the neutrinos expected :- 100 billion neutrinos are passing through your thumbnail every second. 8.5 minutes ago they were in the heart of the Sun.
Solar neutrinos are a by-product of sunlight-generating nuclear reactions.
India’s Contribution to Space Exploration :-
ISRO, being the gem 💎 of our beloved nation Bharat has done alot to explore that has not only helped India but entire world to learn much more about universe. Some of the golden achievements that are embraced by Bangalore based Indian Space Research Organisation are
1. Aryabhata was India’s first satellite mission ever, launched in the year 1975. It was named after the famous Indian Astronomer, the first mathematician-astronomers from the classical age of Indian mathematics and Indian astronomy.
2. Chandrayaan I, which was launched in 2008, was India’s first lunar probe that was not accompanied by a crew. Upon this launch, ISRO had become part of a very elite group of only six space organizations that had launched lunar probes.
3. Mangalyaan, launched in 2013, was India’s Mars Orbiter Mission. It collected data on the surface, atmosphere, and mineral composition of Mars. It is India’s first interplanetary mission and made India the fourth country to reach Mars.
4.Chandrayaan III, in 2023, has set the milestone of reaching first at South Pole of moon, that enables to know enough about moon's part that remained aloof from scientists since long.
5. Aditya I, India’s first solar probe. This will be studying about the sun surface. Will be fruitful to know indepth about the sun.
6. Gaganyaan, ambitious mission of ISRO is all set to send 4 astraunauts to the space first time using all indigenously made space equipments.
There is also Mangalyaan II, the second Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), to be launcHed in near future. The first mission to Venus, Shukrayaan I, is also being set to launch.
Other Discoveries under the Space Exploration :-
Dwarf planets, Discovery of Exo planets, Evidence of existence of Black Holes, Successful Landing on Comet.
Proof of Life on Other Planets
The principal investigator for NASA’s Kepler mission, William Borucki, once said, “If we find lots of planets like ours… we’ll know it’s likely that we aren’t alone and that someday we might be able to join other intelligent life in the universe.”
Conclusion - the discoveries and explorations till date done are not a tiny things. We have digged into a few of the mysteries the universe holds, but we still have many, many more to unravel. We have not even explored our galaxy Milky Way to its full extent. Only our solar system with the Sun as our nearest star is the one explored as of now.
Space exploration has infinite scope to study, perform hypotheses, conduct experiments, and draw rational inferences that could potentially help the life forms on earth. It has also helped us in improving our lives in many ways. The more we know about space and the happenings, the better we can forecast and foresee things.