‘The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world’

I am brave owing to her,
She brings clarity out of any picture blur,,
Courage, Brave and Love are her thesaurus,
She is shinning pearl among massive rush,,

Everywhere God could not be present so he has made mothers. As much softness and calmness, mother has, balancing the similar quantity is she so strong and bold. Whenever it comes about her children she turns out to be much dangerous creature than anyone else can. Mother figure is not confined only to humans this is ranging to all creatures present at our planet. Even emphasized in our sacred books also that to persuade and convince goddess is much easier than God because mothers are easily melted out with emotions for their childrens. Carrying out the babies at womb and making her kids ready to survive in this world is highly dependent on the mothers. How well are they preparing their kids is directly proportional to the nourishment by mothers. The very first teacher for a kid is their mother, then only this proverb is stated that if a girl is educated then coming generation will be educated. First friend of a kid is their mother, it's the mothers who shoulders lots of responsibilities to take up the future generations in which manner.
It's indeed true that if a house has understanding mother certainly that house has a much wise daughter in law. As Gauri Goddess has turned out barren Kailash Mountain, the home of God Shiv to more divine and beautiful place. 

“Mother is a walking miracle.” —Leonardo DiCaprio

Hard working mothers are paving the target to their children to believe in hard work and trying till success is achieved. Jijabai, the mother of great warrior Chatartpati Maharaj Shivaji, she being the driving force behind shivaji for his aim of swarai. The son has conquered the Hindu Swaraj for his mother. Great mothers has great children
Radhey from Mahabharat i.e. warrior Karna, the greatest donator and the bestest archery always focused on loyalty and honesty citing the values his mother had taught him even though she hadn't given birth to Karna but his nourishment is done by her only. The hands that are responsible for the swinging of cradle of kids are the hands actually making the future of any nation. Likewise Mother of Ravana, Kaikasi, was responsible for the great growth, knowledge, victory, devotion and offcourse arrogance, of warrior Ravan and had earned bad name for the later. 

Majorly mother's teachings builds the foundation in the child's mind that gives positive or negative torque that runs future programing accordingly.

The art of mothering is to teach the art of living to children. As it is true that children never follows the words but they follow the actions their parents or seniors does. So it's the task of parents especially mothers that each actions she performs are viewed and analysed by their children very keenly. The magnificent example of this statement is legend Mary Kom, she being a mother of two kids at the age of 38 has won 6 times world boxing championship and Bronze at Olympics twice. She has set the high milestones not only for her children but also for other mothers also. 
At the First war of independence 1858, Rani Lakshmi Bai carrying her son on his back at the battle field had touched the another milestone depicted the mother contribution towards her son and as a daughter of motherland towards the nation. 

Conclusion -
The boldness of stone and calmness of river are the attributes of a mother. She, then and now are only pillars of building the concrete structure of a person as well as nation. Appreciation are like a vitamins and minerals for the better nourishing of children and it's everyone's mother who appreciate her child in the better way so that her child blossoms like flowers. Sincere gratitude to all the mothers who are baking their products in the finest manner. 


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