Science lights the torch of curiosity, technology fuels it; together, they illuminate the path of human advancement.
The more people we can attract to science and technology - men, women, everybody - the more economic opportunity we have as a nation.
Science is more of logics and very less of mugging up of data and details. Our ancestors were great scientists as they approached almost every daily routines with logics and facts. Indus Valley civilization is the refined illustration that how scientific were people of that ages. It's indeed honest to state that if you don't find science interesting it signifies that you are learning science in a very wrong manner. Because it develops the curiosity and creativity simultaneously. Children never ending questions if are answered with logics then mental strength of kids are enhanced to much higher level.
How science germinates Curiosity?
If focused on our surroundings, every thing is linked with some logics like wise how comunication has been enhanced to a level that billion of phone numbers yet no misconnection ever happens, this is attributed because of frequencies present around the earth specifically in Ionosphere where least deviations are being observed and disturbance can be avoided.
Whatever discoveries have been done yet is because of indepth observations of the things surroundings us. For example, Fibonacci has explained the fibonacci sequence, which is sum of previous numbers like 1,2,3,5,8,13,21.....
astonishingly enough the flowers such as sunflower 🌻, rose🌹, Lilly, marigold etc are blossomed with using same sequence. Petals are using Fibonacci sequence only. It's just the observations as almost every logics are surrounding us only. Knowledge of science forces us to think in much innovative manner that brings lots of positive changes.
To improve our digestive system, our religion ask us to fast or keep your stomach hungry for sometime so that WBC and digestive juices eats up the dead cells that may cause cancer too. Science gives knowledge to lead a life in much fruitfu manner. Medical science develop vaccines and Vaccinations are just preparing the body earlier enough to fight the outsider or dangerous virus/bacteria/parasites etc. so that when actually these enemies enter the body, the later gets ready to fight against former.
Relation between science and technology :-
Technology is twins sister of science. As science gives us logics and technology gives us wings to fly with this logic.
Science is much interesting,
Technology is instrument to logical singing,,
Life is becoming easier with innovations,
Almighty God is technologist of developing so much of beautiful creations,,
Science is an art of living with pride,
Technology is as useful as healthy diet,,
The most complex structure in the world is human body and God has created it with massive logics, facts, signals off course high grade technologies. Enough knowledge about the body enables in curing much of severe illness like artificial heart implantation, dialysis, cariogenic diseases etc.
Automation i.e Artificial intelligence, combination of science facts and technological advancement has been building new world which is enough strong to do such works that are almost next to impossible such as volcanics eruption study, Universe exploration as Mars Mangalyan Mission, Aditya L1 Mission, National Disaster Management System for the prediction of hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, hybridization of seeds so that productivity can be raised. Automation, Digitalization has actually targeted many positive changes in the society and can be achieved through amalgamation of science with technology.
GPS, Weather Meteorological Department, etc are some of the navigation development that has eased not only life but proved so beneficial in saving many flora and fauna whenever requires repair or replacement.
Science is an elixir of development, an enzyme of hope. Science along with technology can be used for the sustainable development that caters the care, help, strength to humans, flora, fauna, soceity, environment and economics. The best way to live is to sustain in much systematic manner and this can be achieved by working with logics and knowledge of universe. Keen Observations are the tools to resonate the synchronisation with pratical and theoretical skills.