How fertile is the result of hard work ?

Recently, Murthy sir has emphasized that Indians must work at least 70 hours a week if India to become a manufacturing hub and a developed nation. As India is much in service sector and very small share we as a nation contributing to manufacturing field. Many CEO of the big firms has supported this statement and citing some excellent example of their firms with long hour working schedule and projects as OLA company senior management has been elaborating their company strict standards of continuous working hours.

Although hard work is the only key to success yet struggling and striving with so much of physical health is very ever an appreciable deed.

As an responsible citizen and leading entrepreneurs priority need to focus more on productivity in a much efficient manner rather than concentrating on quantitative consequences.

Reasons why long working hours and excessive of toil are not meeting our path of being developed nation :-

1. Future prospects - we Indians are less equipped with any future facilities like medical services, education for our descendants, or any other services. So are always surrounded by worrisome for our upcoming future. Government must act for this particular prospect

2. Per capita income - average earning of person in our Bharat is far behind many western or even China. Thus, the ignition to work with effectiveness is generally missing. 

3. Brain Drain - owing to few lucrative incentives Indians prefer to work at foreign nations and thus our brilliant minds flies and serves other nations therefore indirectly making best of our own cultivation.

4. Women Juggling with family - long and hard working hours many times forces women to abandon their jobs usually after getting married. Thus their exaggerated and expressive brains are not utilised to the fullest by our own nation.

5. Work, Life, Balance - It's obvious hard work never makes anyone cheerful and charming this deteriorating the joyness from their own lives and leading ultimately to stress and depression.

Eventually quoting that quality matters not quantity, our emphasis must be on smart work instead of hard work entirely. Life is for living as well not only for struggling as no one come out of it alive. Working hours never made any positive changes it's our sense of responsibility and willingness does.


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