We are drowning in information, but starved for Knowledge.

नास्ति विद्यासमो बन्धुर्नास्ति विद्यासमः सुहृत्। नास्ति विद्यासमं वित्तं नास्ति विद्यासमं सुखम्॥
 विद्या जैसा बंधु नहीं, विद्या जैसा मित्र नहीं, (और) विद्या जैसा अन्य कोई धन या सुख नहीं । 
There is no friend, no companion, no wealth or no bliss as great as Vidya (knowledge). 

Tired of discussing that our education system is not appropriate and it should be reformed. Unemployment is on the peak, not because there is no work at all, it's due to inadequate skills among our population. On contrary if compared to other nations, astonishingly Indian students take studies seriously offcourse because of their beloved and concerned parents, that is the reason, globally Indians have occupied majority of high ranking positions. In addition, world's toughest exams includes our country's biggest examinations such as JEE (Engineering entrance exam) and UPSC. So, where exactly are we lacking behind. And in the era of digitalization, when any knowledge is just a click far, how can we afford to be titled as a unskilled. Reason is small but even deeper. It is learning the concepts and not understanding the concepts. Cramming and mugging up the facts, logics and figures instead of actually comprehending. 

Haste makes Waste.’ :-  in the times when being steady is not appreciated and promptness is valued, loading of information can be achieved but not the aim of knowledge gaining. As food cooked in 2 minutes can't beat the healthier benefits and taste of chulha cooked meal. Similarly, learning concepts online using digital media, one shot videos of YouTube, or short notes revision by a friend (that usually hostelers does before an exam) cannot match the real knowledge that reading a book can bestow, as self study by reading a book actually builds the concept that stays for longer with immense clarity and understanding. Haste usually makes waste, as jaldi ka kaam shaitan ka. Thus, presently we have massive source for information to cram while in genuine starving for the knowledge.

Accredit can be credited to :- 
The prime reason for disrupting our hunger of knowledge and carved us statue of information is havoc changes that Britishers has adulterated to our rich and full of wisdom education system. The credit goes to Lord Macaulay, who ruined our knowledge seeking education system to their education system that emphasized on raising slaves, then required by British India to serve their offices. Slaves that can focus more on hard work to smart work and thus gradually vanishing the intellectual brains from the country. In 1835, Lord Macaulay introduced the English Education Act. This emphasized the promotion of English education in India. This act led to the establishment of English schools and colleges across the country. Credit goes to British education reforms that has started producing slaves and cramers. As foreigner rulers wanted employees to work at their offices without using much of their intellectuals and wisdom. Remorsefully, this trend continues and now we have lost intelligence and analytic skills among our youth, which is injurious to the development and upliftment of a nation. The one who can gather much of information is indeed the topper, marks are valued over the wisdom and intelligence. 

Way forward :- Recently, government and public both are willing to adopt some great reforms in education system. Intelligent parents are engulfing the genuine need of wisdom over information and knowledge. Educated soceity is supporting analysis over recording of data. Skill updation are valued over marks and a piece of degrees. Yet the process is very slow. This calls for some fast and furious efforts so that innovations, manufacturing and indigenous developments can be done in our nation. Packing of brains with numerous data has to be trained for analysis and interpretations so that country's lost grace and prosperity can be regained. 


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