Consciousness is the universe's AI experiment for self-reflection

I was trying to be smart, but suddenly my conscious has restricted the thought and after realization, that smartness was abandoned by me. But what ignited the thought, what feeling is it, how influential is it, and to what extent does it continues. All such answers converges at consciousness. Presently the subject Artificial Intelligence is in vogue, what exactly is AI? It is an innovative techniques involves complex mathematical equations they enables in generating machines who can act like humans and imitates their actions. Computers are using several methodologies that enables in developing human like intelligence, like recognizing images, understanding speech, making decisions, and translating languages.

Consciousness is everything we experience and feel. It is the tune stuck in your head, the sweetness of chocolate mousse, the throbbing pain of a toothache, the fierce love for your child and the bitter knowledge that eventually all feelings will end. The existence of consciousness such an intolerable affront to what they believe should be a meaningless universe of matter and the void that they declare it to be an illusion. 

The quote that Consciousness is the universe's AI experiment for self-reflection explains that the consciousness is prior AI of universe way back when humans didn't know much about AI, and our consciousness is revealing all the thoughts, doubts, consequences, observations that enables in retrospection. Consciousness is a way for the universe to know itself in detail.  Universe is self efficient in balancing the distinct tasks. Therefore, our consciousness is true indicator of self reflection of living identies. 

Relationship between AI and Consciousness :- 

Artificial intelligence, in nutshell is prompt response to all our queries and it continues to upgrade keeping all data secured and safe similarly is the consciousness, it works according to our experiences, feelings, tasks and projects accordingly. To find any solution, we use Google search engines and now may be chat gpt, therefore it gives solution within a span of time by computing some complex calculations and finding specific answers by co-relating the relevant informations. Exactly does our consciousness work, it strengthens our belief and trust this helping in building our enlightened and divine personality. Consciousness helps in providing us feedback to improve our own skills and persona. That's the reason why consciousness is the universe's AI experiment  for self reflection. While the difficult path is to elevate such high consciousness that ladders the expectations of meeting the self reflection. 

What can be done to make consciousness affordable according to our requirements :- 

Universe has blessed us with the best of everything, yet extracting the ways to make them available as per our reach is the most toughest one. Because universe believes that humans have to strive hard to get the good things that former is bestowing to the living identies. Some of the bullet points can be observed that might be fruitful to achieve the desired goals:-

1. Mantra is the prime tool for developing consciousness, using the power of cosmic sound vibration, from which consciousness creates and sustains body and mind. Mantras are seed powers of consciousness, through which consciousness can renew itself and move us to a higher level. The more consciousness we give to the mantra, the more energized the mantra becomes, and the more a force of integration and wellbeing. Mantra Yoga is an empowering of consciousness through steady focused awareness. It is relevant to all aspects of Yoga.

2. Dhyana or meditation is sustaining the power of consciousness behind all mental activities, resting our awareness within. This means to reflect consciousness rather than get caught up in judgments or opinions about what we see, living in the field of consciousness, not merely limited to body and mind.

3. Spiritual Awakening - believing and trusting the supreme lord actually helps in healing and restoration. It replaces the negatives thoughts with positives and optimistism. Directions and essences are being observed when that almighty God is there in our thoughts and prayers. It gives sense of purity and serenity that we humans always desire for. 

To retrospective, knowing in depth is crucial and
to access true Consciousness requires that we turn our awareness within. The spiritual heart or hridaya is the seat of consciousness, the core of our being. There dwells the immortal flame, the fire of consciousness, the supreme Agni. All Vedic practices serve to develop that inner Agni which holds the powers of purification, transformation and transcendence. 


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