Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true.
सत्यमेव जयते नानृतं सत्येन पन्था विततो देवयानः।
Meaning : Truth alone triumphs, not falsehood.
Sole is ultimate truth and Karma is the identity of the specific soul. This is the divine and the purest lesson that Bhagwat Geeta ji provides to mankind. The same moral which is eternal truth is elaborated throughout the Holy Book, which draws attention to the famous quote by Swami Vivekanand - Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true.
Truth then is a certain relation between the statement and its corresponding fact. For example: The statement “Snow is white” is true iff the statement corresponds to the fact that snow is white. Correspondingly, to say that a statement is false is to say that such a statement does not correspond to a given fact.
Since ages, China always tries to encapsulated it's neighbouring areas and raises disputes in order to snatch the cited area by quoting some historical text. Yet truth always prevails so Our legendary orator Mr. S. Jaiishankar sir, diamisses China's claims on Arunachal Pradesh as 'Ludicrouas'. He stated that China's repeating claim is baseless arguments in this regard does not lend such claims any validity. Mr S. Jaishankar sir in much simpler manner stated the claim as Ludicrous because it is very true and no backing is required for the true statement.
Quite interesting to mention the fact that Pakistan diplomatically surrendered on the issue of Kashmir, as no nation is supporting strongly the Pakistan (abrogation of 370 article) and looking the trends of not getting appropriate support from nations, now Pakistan is about to abandon the Kashmir issue entirely that is under the Indian side. All thanks to the efforts of Indian bureaucrats and rulling powers to continue the prosperity and peace at the Kashmir valley.
Truthness theory -
Four factors determine the truthfulness of a theory or explanation: congruence, consistency, coherence, and usefulness. A true theory is congruent with our experience – meaning, it fits the facts. It is in principle falsifiable, but nothing falsifying it has been found.
Congruence - when true statement is given then never has to memories the things to state, but genuinely every word finds it's way. When we stagger while speaking, wise person understands that some fake stories are cooking in the mind and thua lie caught. Lie detecting machine also works on the principle of stammering of the heart beats, if no major deviations being observed that signifies the truth is being narrated by the victim. Congruence, is the property of the shapes, figures, items, etc that are exactly similar, so it affirms that truth can be stated in different ways yet each can be same.
Consistency - truthfulness continues to excel with consistency because truth is always courageous and confident enough to stays for longer periods. Truthness are the spiritual traits and it follows the toughest journey as people who are true, are considered as a special identities. Truth requires more strength and more examinations while lies/false statements aren't such strong to stay for longer period thus is not consistent. Truth is bitter and consistent journey of being truthful is not an easier task. Consistency is the secret ingredient that leads to long-term positive outcomes.
Coherence - Truth as internal consistency is known as the coherence theory of truth. The strictly speaking is easier and coherent, while it is impossible to falsify theories, because empirical tests depend on indefinite number of background assumptions any of which can be challenged, is known as the Quine-Duhem thesis. On the coherence theory, true statements are those that coherent with our other justified beliefs. The coherence theory holds that truth consists in coherence amongst our beliefs.
Usefulness - Truth is god's more dearer and has a special place at his heart. Always true stories and true lessons are valued. This theory is measurable and evaluating one. Truth can be essensed and examined by several means at various levels of the life. Such indicators are used as an analytical skills estimations.
Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not truthful.