Significance of science of Spirituality
अहिंसाप्रतिष्ठायां तत्संनिधौ वैरत्यागः।
As a Yogi becomes firmly grounded in non-violence (Ahimsa), other people who come near will naturally lose any feelings of hostility.
The Intersection or the Union of Science and Spirituality
Several logics that are explained in religion have solid facts behind such tasks while some are just taken as for granted not because they are the way of doing it accordingly but because still we are not capable of finding the exact logics behind that. Although science and spirituality shares the common podium that targets the way of life considering several factors like universe, planet, speed, law of attraction, destiny, technogical advancements, mother nature, sustainable goals etc. Synergy between two can be essensed when analysed what science proclaims and what spiritual states.
What is Spirituality?
Spirituality is not just having faith in the diety and following the religion norms, it's the science of knowing the soul or the spirit. It majorly focus on undertaking the quest. Exploring the life and asking questions, investigations and reaching out at the results. Realising the truth and before judging, actually knowing the crux and enlightenment of the logics. While scientists may go on quests in the outside world, exploring and discovering new things, undertake voyages to find life and study it, spirituality is about going on a voyage within, it is about taking an inner journey to discover our true self.
Science is dependent on the proofs and evidences whereas spirituality is learning the knowledge and wisdom, contemplation, introspection and realisation the science behind who are we, neither to know about mind nor body but yes about the soul. How divine, unique and gracious a soul is for life and survival. Soul's energy and it's impact on life. As law of energy conservation states, energy can neither be created nor be destroyed similarly soul can neither be created nor be destroyed. It is immortal. It is birthless and deathless.
According to spirituality, God is prowess, supreme immortal power which is nothing but a energy. Energy that drives the entire world and the purest form of blessings that coherents the whole beauty of the planet and reflects it in the form of mother nature. It's way of working is directly proportional to the karmas of the soul and it's ways of attempting are linked to the spirituality.
God is everywhere and in everything. Every cell of human being is energy or Soul, a particle of God and hence, God itself. In fact, every single thing is a manifestation of the power we call God. This is strongly endorsed by science itself through its branches of Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics. In 2022, the Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded to three scientists for their work in this field. Science do salutes the Spirituality.
Bridging the Science with Spirituality :-
The term energy is known in the science whereas spirituality calls it supreme immortal power. Science confess that it does not know even 1% of what this energy is. More than 99% of existence in the cosmos is energy that is undefined by science. Black hole, Black energy or black matter are names given by the Science to this unknown enery. Those who have attained realization by spirituality they actually know that this energy is nothing but SIP, a part of the Supreme Immortal Power. But this has to be experienced and cannot be defined in words. Mathematician Ramanujan Sir has successfully explained the equations of the black hole and he focused that his all equations are linked to the goddess (SIP) he believes that no facts, no logics are complete without considering the goddess (SIP) with the equations. He many times stated that all goddess has provided many proofs to him in his dreams. Spirituality provides the essense of experiencing the energy that paves the whole world. All know the drop merges with the ocean, few know the ocean merges with the drop". Science looks mostly outward, the inner realms being left for people to discover for themselves.
Science with Spirituality :-
Science and Spirituality, if combined miraculous discoveries, innovations can be accomplished and same has to be inculcated to the kids so that mera awareness can be achieved. Temples are the richest source of medication and positive energy sources recently Somnath Sir, ISRO scientists has given the magnificent idea to open libraries at the temple where energy combines with the knowledge thus our new generations enhances the knowledge and roads for new innovations can be made. History itself claims how efficient were the Nalanda and Taskila Universities that worked with science and spirituality simultaneously.
Conclusion :-
Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in an immensity of light years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual.
Meta-awareness must be consciously cultivated in order for it to fully emerge in an agent, and when awareness goes mainstream, the resulting synergy will take humanity to new heights. But meta-awareness is not a luxury; if we do not become cognizant of the fact that the only way we can overcome our collective existential challenges is by working together, our civilization will fail.