Futuristic Approach for Agrarian India - Ecological farming or Biological farming

Pressing priority on organic farming as current methods of farming are pouring several dangers to soil, mankind, animals etc because of presence of massive synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers and inefficient technologies so called hybridization. Maximising the use of green manure(black gold), cover crops, animal manure, and soil rotation , to interrupt the habitation of pests and diseases, improve soil fertility, and increase the soil’s biological activity are the primary aspects of organic farming. Naturally development of milk, fruits,crops, flowers, eggs, production of fibres, meat, grains are the targeting goals of organic farming. 

Compost, Crop rotation, Green manure,
Are fascinating and nature's love and lure,,
Our generation requires eatables to be pure,,,
Synthetics and artificially never meets the standards of health for sure,,,, 

Our farmings must have a aim as below described but is it the same that we are discovering from the current methods of farming. Adequate discouraging are the consequences of excessive usage of pesticides and fertilizers in present agriculture method.

शुनं नः फाला वि कृषन्तु भूमिं शुनं कीनाशा अभि यन्तु वाहैः ।
शुनं पर्जन्यो मधुना पयोभीः शुनासीरा शुनमस्मासु धत्तम् ॥८॥

May the Ploughshare making Furrows on the Earth bring Welfare and Prosperity to all, May the Farmer driving the Oxen bring Welfare and Prosperity to all,
May Parjanya (the Rain God) by giving Sweet Rains (i.e. Pure Rain Waters) bring Welfare and Prosperity to all, and May Shuna and Shira bestow Welfare and Prosperity to all of us.

Integrating Organic Farming consists of integrated nutrients management and integrated pests management. It is the category of farming where you grow crops from natural resources. Green manure, Crop rotation, Biological pest control and compost are some of the eminent techniques of organic farming. Methodology that organic farming refers is Soil Management, Weed Management (The two most widely used weed 
management techniques are -- Mulching: A process where we use plastic films 
or plant residue on the surface of the soil to block the growth of weed. Mowing or cutting:- Where there is a removal of weeds of top growth), crop diversification and controlling other organisms. 

History of organic farming

In Hindu tradition, Balarama is depicted as a farmer's patron deity, signifying the one who is "harbinger of knowledge", of agricultural tools and prosperity.
Organic farming is the ancient agricultural practice, was practiced long back since 10,000 years ago, dating back to Neolithic age by ancient civilization like Mesopotemia , Hwang Ho Basin etc. 
As mentioned in Ramayana , all dead things returned to earth that nourishes soil and life.
In Mahabharat (5500 B,C) Kamdhenu- The importance of cow in human life and soil fertility .
Kautilya Arthasashtra (300 B.C) many manures like oil cake and excreta of animal.
Rig ved (2500-1500 B.C) Green manure , use of dung of goat , sheep, cow etc.
Birhat Sanhita Methods of choosing manure 
for crops and manuring.

 Sir Albert howard is commonly regarded as the 
father of organic agriculture. 
 He was raised on a farm in England, 
and educated at Cambridge university.
He moved to India in 1905 and conducted
agricultural research for twenty six years before
permanently returning to England in 1931. In An Agricultural Testament (1940) Howard laid out his
vision for agriculture based on nature as a model with huge concentration on a concept that is centric to organic farming--the significance of utilizing organic waste materials to build and maintain soil fertility and humus content. 

High nutrition value of crops, better taste, improved human health, environmental sustainability and food security are the benefits of shifting towards organic farming 🧺. While demerits are the diminished productivity in the longer run, organic farming is time consuming, high skills are required, organic products are expensive indeed, not much flexible to utilise GMO(genetic modification) advantages. 

Widening of Organic Farming Sector India

The report says that the share of land used for organic farming in total agriculture land is 1.5%, and in the last ten years, India increased its organic agriculture land under cultivation by 145.1%. The Economic Survey 2022-2023 mentions that India has 4.43 Mn organic farmers, the highest in the world. In 2003, Sikkim became the first state in India to officially announce the adoption of organic farming to ensure long-term sustenance of soil fertility, protection of environment and ecology, healthy living and decreasing the risk of health ailments. During fiscal year 2022, the total organic area in India was approximately 9.12 million hectares, up from about five million hectares in fiscal year 2012.The top five states with the largest certified wild harvest area (80 percent of the total area) are Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Jammu & Kashmir. 

Government Initiaves to promote organic farming
Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana” (PKVY) - 
The organic farming policy was launched in the year 2015 and adopted organic villages. The PKVY scheme focuses on soil health management, which is the most crucial project of NMSA.
 Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana – It is an actuarial premium based scheme. Neem Coated Urea – This is to regulate the use of urea. Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana – This is a scheme to take care of irrigation requirements of farming. 
Parampragat Krishi Vikas Yojana – This scheme is to promote organic farming.

Conclusion - It’s incredible to reflect on how much knowledge and growth power is contained in seeds. Working alongside with nature is always nourishing and favourable actions that surely buds to beautiful flowers.

Written by:-
Bhawna Kapil 
Reference - Government sites, NCERT books, PIB.


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