Expected Reply...........

In my busy schedule whenever I want to dig within the ocean of my thoughts, I realised that it's everyone interest that supports you. This is applicable with your near dears because you expect a lot from them. That day was diwali, and expectations from son in law from their parents in law reaches to every peak they can. Girl was so delighted to be at my place, this is eternal truth that a girl enjoy tons at her place irrespective of any special favour or any treat. But sadly this feeling is not perceived by anyone specially her in laws and partner. It's not that they are torturing me it's that they are not nurturing me. Partner of girl was offended not to be invited but why to invite....??? Isn't son in law belongs to girl's family why to expect only this from a married girl, to accept boy family as theirs but later needs special attention and invitation as well. Is this ritual created by this supreme power only. Always this question make me num. Expected reply from so called people is girls should imbibe such lessons after being married....... 


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