
Balancing the Home, Work and Life - How these bridges to the Mental Health.

प्रकृतेः क्रियमाणानि गुणैः कर्माणि सर्वशः। अहङ्कारविमूढात्मा कर्ताहमिति मन्यते॥ ३-२७ Balance word itself symbolises lots of efforts, strategies and techniques. Absolute balancing the two items or things or people are far to imagine. Every time it's one side above the other, as no perfection exists it's closer to the perfection or endeavours to be within the boundaries.  Work Life Balance is the essence of maintaining a balance between home and work is the ability to switch from one role to the other. To live the harmonious relation between the profession life and personal life is the picture that work life balance draws. In current era, it's bit difficult to sustain such balance. Everytime it feels like running in a race keeping everything aside. No much control over the relations, passion, carrier, family, traditions, culture etc. The feeling of loosing something evolves while surrounded by many valuable assets. This in turn germinates the stress and mental health issues.

The Bharat is restoring it's lost glory - an Ancient Education Hub rebirths to Modern Knowledge Gem - The Nalanda University

विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयात् याति पात्रताम्। पात्रत्वाद्धनमाप्नोति धनाद्धर्मं ततः सुखम्॥ Knowledge gives humility, from humility, one attains character; From character, one acquires wealth; from wealth good deeds (righteousness) follow and then happiness. In 2006, former President and visionary leader APJ Abdul Kalam proposed the revival of Nalanda University, and the passage of the Nalanda University Act in 2010 provided the legal framework for its governance and operation. He knew the ample importance of knowledge and education. No swords can bring the prosperity it's the education only that cradles both economic and personal development.  The new campus is located very near to the ancient ruins of Nalanda University, which was introduced through the Nalanda University Act 2010, enacted following a decision made at the 2nd East Asia Summit in the Philippines in 2007. The rejuvenation of new campus is representing the revival of the most auspicious ancient University amalgmation of

In No Man’s Land, the only way to survive is to adapt.

Sometimes, the only way out is through. अप्राप्यं नाम नेहास्ति धीरस्य व्यवसायिनः। There is nothing unattainable to the one who has courage and who works hard. Heat waves are trending over the northern country. No big survival is in the vicinity that can be adopted. Every sphere be it economy, health, environment, biodiversity etc are falling down yet no gateway for recovery is being observed. So, the only solution for the survival is to increase adaptability. Adaptability is the ray of hope that lightens the path of succession. It acts as a torch that shows the way to the destination even in the dark. Adaptability is the traits that Ramayana and Mahabharata the legendary holy books preaches us, होइहि सोइ जो राम रचि राखा। Meaning that we, tiny living identities can't alter the circumstances, only thing we can attempt is to give best efforts by genuinely adapting and understanding the problem that strives to search solutions. As every problem has a solution, maths forces us to believ

Insect Pollinators: Vital for strengthening the tenacity Ecosystem Resilience and Food Security

To sustain the resilient ecosystem and plant reproduction Insect Pollinators, including bees, butterflies, flies, beetles, and moths, play a fundamental role. The diversity of insect pollinators is crucial for maintaining ecosystem resilience, promoting genetic diversity in plants, and ensuring global food security. Every pollinator transfers pollen in their own unique manner. For example, bees use their fuzzy bodies to collect pollen, while butterflies use their long tongues to reach into the depths of flowers. Insect pollinators are essential for the health of ecosystems and agriculture. Several wild species of plants are not able to reproduce without the pollinators, and we would have a much smaller variety of fruits, vegetables, and seeds to eat. Several animals feed on such ecosystem.  At present time, insect pollinators are facing a number of threats, including habitat loss, climate change, and pesticide use. Excessive human intervention with the natu

Global Gender Gap Report underscore the urgent need - The time for decisive action

नारीशक्ति शक्तिशाली समाजस्य निर्माणं करोति Women's are considered as a goddess Lakshmi and is worshipped yet no equal opportunities or treatment female enjoys. Even in such progressive era, data budds massive disappointment that enlightens the gender discrimination. India has closed 64.1% of its gender gap in 2024, the report noted, leaving policy-makers with a huge window of opportunity to do better. The “slight regression,” according to the report, is mainly due to “small declines” in the spheres of education and political empowerment. Gender parity is another term for equal representation of women and men in a given area, for example, gender parity in organizational leadership or higher education. Equality between two opposite genders express the gender parity of nation. Working toward gender parity (equal representation) is a key part of achieving gender equality, and one of the twin strategies, alongside gender mainstreaming.The gender parity index measures the progress toward

Culture changes with economic development

Sloka: "आत्मानं सततं विद्यात् आत्मना सर्वतो रक्षेत्। आत्मानं न प्रकाशेत् विद्यात् धर्मं सर्वतो रक्षेत्॥" Meaning: "One should constantly know oneself, protect oneself at all times. One should not reveal oneself, but should know Dharma and protect it at all times." We all jump to narratives, and culture shapes them. They influence how we interpret actions, how we think, and how we behave. There is a general acceptance that culture has impact on economic development but the extent to which it affects economic development, is still a debate among the economists, social scientists and all others who are interested in this topic. When economic status, prosperity and quality of life of a community are elevated it signals the economic development of that specific area. As economic activities inproves it changes the life style of people and also changes the culture of a society. Culture refers to the knowledge, concepts, and artifacts that humans have used in their quest fo

Economic benefits of wind power in Germany

Wind power developments in Germany have significant economic benefits. Financial benefits, such as discounted electricity, payments to the municipality, and payments for social purposes, increase the acceptance of wind energy projects among communities . Wind energy has positive output elasticity estimates and high substitutability with nuclear power, natural gas, and coal in the German power sector. The construction of wind turbines in Germany has been supported by guaranteed feed-in tariffs, contributing to the profitability of wind energy investments. Overall, wind power in Germany provides economic benefits through job creation, value added, avoided emissions, and the potential for energy independence. People have been using wind energy for centuries – originally to drive mechanical processes such as milling grain or pumping water. Today, it is used to generate electricity. The expansion of wind power in Germany is also gaining momentum on the high seas with offshore wind farms.Cut