The wound is the place where the Light enters you

Srikanth Bolla: First overseas blind student at MIT, entrepreneur who employs the disabled.The founder and CEO of Bollant Industries wrote his own destiny after his parents were advised to get rid of him because he was visually impaired at birth. He still managed to reach the heights of well deserved success, bearing all the stumblings and obstacles. His biopic is capable of taking out our goose bumbs and motivates anyone to accomplish their goals.

उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत।
क्षुरासन्नधारा निशिता दुरत्यद्दुर्गं पथस्तत्कवयो वदन्ति॥

The shortest path is not always the fastest :- when dearly striving for success, we often assume the shortest path is the most efficient one. However, life and business serve us with complex situations where we must consider and value all factors that may influence our path of success. Obstacles, stumblings speed variations, and external conditions can alter the true efficiency of a path.

The brachistochrone curve demonstrates this principle in physics, where a ball takes the fastest route despite it not being the shortest. Similarly, in air travel, the shortest route between two cities might be the great circle route, but aircraft often need to take into account strong winds, like the jet stream, which can affect travel time. By adjusting their routes accordingly, airlines can optimize their flights for speed and fuel efficiency. Likewise, individual lacks the virtue of knowing the god's plan that is forcing them to follow the well assumed longer road but might that be the shortest or accustomed with crucial learnings that absolutely impact an individual goals. 

The wound is the place where the Light enters you, author want to emphasize that stumblings are important for our elevation. Wounds in our body helps in building patience, pain bearer and grounded and offcourse we are made up of sunlight and soil, while getting wounded, these natural resources helps in making up of ourselves more stronger and healthier. 

He emphasised that there is nothing wrong with being wounded, rather it is a blessing: because through the opening made by it is how God gets into your life. He does not mean that when we are wounded we turn to God, or should turn to God - just the opposite: he means that when we are wounded God turns to us!

 Person who owns the wounds with prestige and gets over them with minimum pain, have already achieved the enlightenment in the journey of life. But the ugly side of getting wounded is loosing trust in ourselves, cursing the almighty God and treating every individual with suspicion. Failures are not very easy to digest. It kills an individual self confidence. It's very convenient to state never give up and relish almost every wounds but it's the most difficult task to acknowledge. It also cuts deep and can separate those who go on to achieve success and those who give up and turn back on their goals. 

There are few ways that might helps an individual to search path that are fruitful to overcome life's stumblings:- 

Don't be tempted to lower your ambitions :-  it happens many times. After getting wounded an individual might start to aim lower. Stay focused. Big goals can be intimidating, even for highly self-motivated individuals. Accomplish the goals one task at a time.

Find like-minded people to help you see things differently :- Failure or stumblings can be hard to bear on our own when we are passionate about an objective. Rarelly people to match us. That way, when we face what seems to be a failure, there will be someone else to help us see another perspective. When choosing a partner, it's recommendation to find someone who is exact opposite. If individuals are highly analytical, find someone who is intuitive. If one is making stellar business strategies, their partner should be a terrific executer. Their skills should strengthen us. 

Own your mistakes, and maintain the pursuit :- successful people own their mistakes. Without accepting our errors, there is no way to learn. To find a breakthrough, we have to accept our mistakes and welcome failure. Chase after it, and take risks. But don't make the same mistakes twice.

Develop Spiritual consciousness :- spirituality is a science beyond much explanation and our consciousness is the eternal source of coherent energy that neither be created nor be destroyed. Kindling the power of our subconscious mind through spirituality enables in earning the perseverance, persistence and determination for the accomplishment of our aims that always remained aloof from us while running being bewildered. 


Life is difficult for everyone so just relish the embellishments and blessings we have been bestowed upon by the almighty and trying the best to achieve the success should always be our priority. Considering all wounds are blessings and endeavours to make it happen should always be our focus. 


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