The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal

यौवनं धन संपत्तिः प्रभुत्वमविवेकता एकैकमप्यनर्थाय किमु यत्र चतुष्ठयम्

Our present Education System has one of the major flaw that evaluation is being done among all unequals. When an elephant is asked to climb the tree, certainly elephant will be failing, likewise our evaluation criterion in the education system where life skills, problem solving analysis and building wisdom are secondary focussed subjects while craming, scoring marks, comparision and memorising the facts are the primary focus. It's high time to acknowledge that despite the rankings and positions, moral values, skills enhancing, learning and re learning the concepts, determination, perseverance are the traits that must be inculcated among the children. Aristotle stated that it's the worst form of inequality to make unequal things or person equal. Every individual is unique in it's own manner, so beautifying it's own identity is the solely respect that we can offer as a respect. 
Indeed true to state that Education System needs Education. 

This quote emphasis to the concept that trying to make unequal things equal can actually create greater inequality. This is because different things have different values and cannot be treated the same. The quote suggests that instead of trying to force equality where it doesn't exist, it's better to strive for fairness and equal opportunities.

Values that this specific quote wants public to learn :

# The quote mocks the notions of superficial equality and highlights the potential negative consequences of attempting to make inherently unequal things or individuals equal. There should be a periphery where fair and just treatment should be the priority that accepts and respects the inherent differences. 

# Diving deep at its core, suspicion arises about the effectiveness and fairness of trying to impose an artificial sense of equality. Ensuring the reality of uniqueness that every person, situation, or entity possesses unique qualities, abilities, and circumstances that contribute to their inherent differences. Aristotle wanted to stress that inclusion of making unequal things or individuals equal, without considering their inherent disparities, can lead to a lack of justice and fairness.

# The quote encourages us to recognize and embrace the diversity and individuality of people and situations. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and appreciating the unique characteristics and circumstances that make individuals or things inherently unequal.

# Additionally,  the quote turns the unfolded challenges that soceity and soceital structure perpetuates inequality and we should critically examine such discriminations. This prompts us to focus on eradicating systemic injustices and creating a level playing field, rather than attempting to force equal outcomes without considering inherent differences.

#  This quote invites us to reflect on the complexity of equality and the need for a nuanced understanding. It is appealing people for a thoughtful approach that embraces and celebrates diversity while striving for fairness and justice. It reminds us that true equality requires a recognition and appreciation of the inherent differences that exist among individuals and entities.

# Eventually, quote draws our attention to balance beyond simplistic notions of equality and engage in deeper conversations and actions that address the root causes of inequality. It encourages us to strive for a society that values and respects diversity, treats individuals fairly and justly, and provides equal opportunities for all, while acknowledging and respecting the inherent differences that exist among us.

Why is inequality important?  

Nature has embellished everything so beautifully and perfectly that each imperfections are in symmetry with the absolute indicators. Each living identities is blessed with diverse traits balancing the existing inequalities too. It's like that every person cannot be the king, public in itself symbolises their responsibilities and duties.

Every flaws are perfect in it's own manner, likewise in a couple, none is so perfect it's just they both completes each other. Accepting our own drawbacks and respecting other person limitations are the traits of wise creatures. Inequalities are set in order to maintain the level of equality at the planet. Restricting all qualities to each living beings enables in gaining the patience and sense of respect among each other. 

Conclusion :- respecting the flaws and originality among each other is the humility lessons that this quote urges to every individual. Striving for "unequal equal" is worthless rather strengthening the equal opportunities, equal education, equal rights and equal credits should be the focus. A child giving best of his efforts are more significant than being obsessed with the outcomes as equivalent to some counter parts. Adapting the inequalities, learning approach towards the inequalities and catering to everyone needs, requirements should be the subjects to focus. Respecting everyone's inherent differences and similarities is the natural aspects of every human being. 


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