The Bharat is restoring it's lost glory - an Ancient Education Hub rebirths to Modern Knowledge Gem - The Nalanda University

विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयात् याति पात्रताम्।
पात्रत्वाद्धनमाप्नोति धनाद्धर्मं ततः सुखम्॥

Knowledge gives humility, from humility, one attains character; From character, one acquires wealth; from wealth good deeds (righteousness) follow and then happiness.

In 2006, former President and visionary leader APJ Abdul Kalam proposed the revival of Nalanda University, and the passage of the Nalanda University Act in 2010 provided the legal framework for its governance and operation.
He knew the ample importance of knowledge and education. No swords can bring the prosperity it's the education only that cradles both economic and personal development. 

The new campus is located very near to the ancient ruins of Nalanda University, which was introduced through the Nalanda University Act 2010, enacted following a decision made at the 2nd East Asia Summit in the Philippines in 2007.
The rejuvenation of new campus is representing the revival of the most auspicious ancient University amalgmation of old wisdom with modern knowledge. In 2014 after nearly 800 years, Nalanda University was reopened, marking a significant milestone in the history of one of the world's oldest centers of learning. The new campus represents the revival of this ancient university, combining ancient wisdom with modern knowledge.

The Nalanda University:- The original Nalanda University, established in the 5th century, was renowned for its excellence in various disciplines and attracted scholars from across Asia. The library, "Dharma Gunj" or "Mountain of Truth," housed an impressive collection of nine million books, with the largest building, Ratnodadhi, standing nine stories high and storing the most sacred manuscripts.

Golden History of Nalanda :- 
# Nalanda was a renowned Buddhist mahavihara (great monastery) in ancient and medieval Magadha (modern-day Bihar), near the city of Rajagriha (now Rajgir) and about 90 kms southeast of Pataliputra (now Patna).
# It was established by Kumargupta I - the ruler of Gupta Empire (c. 3rd to 6th century CE), and is considered to be among the greatest centres of learning in the ancient world.
# It played a vital role in promoting the patronage of arts and academics during the 5th and 6th century CE, a period that has since been described as the "Golden Age of India" by scholars.
# The chronicles of seventh century Chinese traveller Hsuan Tsang provide the most detailed description of ancient Nalanda.
# After Guptas, Nalanda continued to thrive with the support of the rulers of the Pala Empire and may have been attacked (in 1190s) and damaged by Muhammad Bakhtiyar Khalji - a Turko-Afghan military general.
# After being lost for six centuries, the university was rediscovered in 1812 by Scottish surveyor Francis Buchanan-Hamilton.
# Later (in 1861), it was officially identified as the ancient university by Sir Alexander Cunningham.
The current site of Nalanda is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the Government of India enacted a law in 2010 to revive the famous university
# The contemporary Nalanda University at Rajgir has been listed as an "Institute of National Importance" by the Government of India.

Uniqueness of New Nalanda University construction:

Ancient Nalanda Mahavihara's original monasteries and buildings are the inspiration source for the architectural design of the new 455-acre campus. Knowledge cum sustainability is the entire focus while building this great university and hence focus is pointed to make the new campus a ‘Net Zero Green Campus’ and comprises of over 100 acres of water bodies (Kamal Sagar ponds), an on-grid solar plant, a domestic and drinking water treatment plant, and a water recycling plant for reusing wastewater as well as over 100 acres of green cover. The University also has a 250-capacity Yoga Center, a state-of -the-art auditorium, library, an archival centre and a fully equipped sports complex. Vastu Shastra is also the speciality of the building that highlighted the spiritual science significance while it's construction.

The University places emphasis on higher education and research, and offers Post Graduate and Doctoral programs in Buddhist studies, philosophy & comparative religions; languages and literature; ecology and environmental studies; sustainable development and environment; and, international relations and peace studies. At present, students from over 20 countries, including India, are enrolled in various courses at the University. 

Challenge that our Education System poses on to the Nalanda University :- 

It's the most common doubt that whether the Nalanda University will be capable of sustaining it's legacy of excellence in future endeavours too. Will The Nalanda University, manages to gain that highest education hub title of 5th century. Several troubles and stumblings that are worrisome for our education system and ceases to make Bharat again education hub are :-
@ Cut throat competition among the world's universities that elevates the standards of education and faculties to fascinate world's students as per ancient times. Because in 5th century there was no big university to such mark.
@ Exam leakage is posing a serious concern and enough capable of breaking the trust of students that aloofs them from the studies and deviates to follow up some short cuts in order to earn for their livelihood. Cheating and frauds in competitive exams are worth of killing the glorious future of any country. Youth are the future of the nation and betrayal with their examination and future has potential of downgrading any country's prosperity and development.
@ It's genuinely disappointing that our education syllabus still follows the 40 years old pattern and no innovations or any technogical advanced syllabus has been inculcated to the curriculum. New rigorous reforms in the education system should be undertaken that fosters our youth generation analytical skills and British craming modules need to be vanished ASAP.
@ Government should start spending more on the reasearch works and science and technology advancements, so that more prudent students aspire to do reasearch and innovations. As technology is the future and it's not commendable to depend on other countries for the technology ever. GDP share upto at least 6% must be spend on the education, which comprises of teachers salaries, scholarships, research and analysis, etc. Intelligent faculty only can make intelligent youth and certainly to employ wise faculty, government have to pay them well in order to improve their motivation.

Conclusion:- Every country men is thrilled to withstand the inauguration of the greatest Nalanda University. We all acknowledge that knowledge is power and no one can even conquer the wisdom and virtuousness. With every glory there comes the stumblings that need to be handled in much amicable manner. This is esteem event to rejuvenate our lost golden history and to greater extent we have to be evident to heightens it's achievements and learnings.

Paralyze resistance with persistence



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