In No Man’s Land, the only way to survive is to adapt.

Sometimes, the only way out is through.

अप्राप्यं नाम नेहास्ति धीरस्य व्यवसायिनः।
There is nothing unattainable to the one who has courage and who works hard.

Heat waves are trending over the northern country. No big survival is in the vicinity that can be adopted. Every sphere be it economy, health, environment, biodiversity etc are falling down yet no gateway for recovery is being observed. So, the only solution for the survival is to increase adaptability. Adaptability is the ray of hope that lightens the path of succession. It acts as a torch that shows the way to the destination even in the dark. Adaptability is the traits that Ramayana and Mahabharata the legendary holy books preaches us, होइहि सोइ जो राम रचि राखा। Meaning that we, tiny living identities can't alter the circumstances, only thing we can attempt is to give best efforts by genuinely adapting and understanding the problem that strives to search solutions. As every problem has a solution, maths forces us to believe in the same. 

As Darwin himself said, it is not the strongest that survive, nor the most intelligent, but those that are best capable of adaptation

 Three A's theory is well renowned among the various disciplines to elaborate the significance of the survival of the fittest among the competitors :-
  i.) Avoiders ii.) Analysts iii.) Adaptors.

i.) Avoiders - those who ignore the necessity for change never grows like Orkut, Nokia once giant companies now are in vain because of their ignorance towards the changing needs and expectations of customers.

ii.) Analysts - Those who have been excellent in adopting the change at right time but very less eager to follow the principle of adaptation. Example - Yahoo, Bajaj etc.

iii.) Adaptors - those who learned to survive by following change management skills and inculcation of more proactive approach about the needs and expectations of customers example Google, Meta, Microsoft etc. 

Humans are the most adaptable species:- 

We have survived many centuries withstanding the extreme change of climate, civilization. People living in adverse climatic conditions developes adaptability or the immunity against the resistances that enables body to survive even in very inhumane conditions. India successfully overcome the pandemic ( Wuhan virus) in terms of death tolls because of people's higher adaptability traits. Humans managed to survive at the extreme hot weather of Africa and extreme cold climate at Serbia. Siachin, the highest battle ground is protected by Indian army. Exploring the space and reaching at the earth's deepest place is marina trench, humans with their inherent willingness and adjusting according to the requirements has helped to reach out such unbeatable locations. 

How to develop adaptability skills :- 
To grow and achieve the skills of adaptability, practice below exercise can improve cognitive, emotional and personal adaptability skills. These are the embodiments for learning the survival arts:- 
@ Always focus on solutions and be a problem solver.
@ Learn to embrace changes. As changes are the prerequisite for evolving the best in something. 
@ Develop flexibility and be open to all ideas and opinions.
@ Keep ego at the exit door if growth has to achieved. Nothing can accompany conveniently with the ego, it usually clashes. 
@ Practice Mindfulness, meditation and calmness to work more efficiently and accurately.
@ Make yourself uncomfortable and push yourself out of the comfort zone, as another chair can't be adjusted without accommodating it with the old one. Physical pain is important to have mental gain.

Conclusion :- 
Life at every instance will be welcoming us with so many of challenges and set backs, real warriors face each stumblings with prudence and enthusiasm. While fighting doesn't always signifies the swords ⚔️ and weapons it's many times exist in amicable settlement in order words calling it adjustments or adaptability. Being adaptable, it builds humans resilience traits, improves the analysis skills, boosts productivity, improves the leadership skills and utmost important makes people feel good.

Above all, Evolution is a force we cannot ignore. Darwin was right: adaptors will succeed, avoiders will fail. It is up to us to choose which we will be.


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